Seven hours after what was scheduled to be one hour minor exploratory day surgery to identify a possible teratoma (cancer) on my left ovary, I was admitted overnight in Credit Valley Hospital. Dr. Mathias Gysler (my Surgeon) informed me before discharge he had no complications during surgery & pathology reported NO cancer.

Missing my period the following month I went to a local walk-in clinic where a pregnancy test revealed inconclusive results. Immediately I returned to see Dr. Gysler, further blood tests indicated normal estrogen & high FSH. Dr. Gysler prescribed birth control pills explaining high FSH was common after surgery and would return to normal.

Dr. Gysler did another series of hormone tests the following year when directly after stopping the birth control pill I started hemoraging blood, results revealed normal estrogen & high FS. When the treatment of Lupron injected by a staff member in Dr. Gysler's clinic failed to stop hemoraging Dr. Gysler was shocked insisting I see another Gynecologist downtown. Leading me to believe my case was a medical mystery. I repeated the same series of tests downtown the following year then was diagnosed in natural menopause with bone loss.

Seeking advice from an Endocrinologist for treatment of menopause, I was told blood work indicated I was NOT in menopause. He suspected my ovaries were damaged during surgery. All medical history & records were requested from Dr. Gysler to start an investigation before he could make a diagnosis. OR documents revealed a specimen removed from my right ovary during surgery was not on the pathology report. Functioning portions of both my ovaries were removed resulting in high FSH (160).

Alarmed I did'nt consent to surgery on my right ovary, confused as to why any healthy ovary was removed & why I was never told I contacted Credit Valley Hospital at once. Credit Valley Hospital responded that Dr. Gysler made a clinical decision including not sending specimens removed from the right ovary to pathology. In spite of the fact Hospital regulations state all specimens removed during surgery must be sent to pathology.

Leading me to file a complaint at The College of Physicians. Their two year investigation revealed Dr. Gysler removed a specimen from my right ovary because it was suspicious and it was sent to pathology (pathology denies receiving it). Dr. Gysler & Credit Valley Hospital deny doing a biopsy (although a biopsy is billed to OHIP). Operating Room documents display type of surgery to be performed covered in liquid whiteout (hospital policy states no white out to be used on OR documents). Dr. Gysler & his Assistant billed OHIP for a Salpingo-oohorectomy (removal of a 1 tube & 1 ovary) a procedure Dr. Gysler denies doing, (The College refused to question the assistant as to what procedure took place). Several office visit notes are recorded on dates not on OHIP billing. The consent form signed & witnessed the morning of surgery is missing from hospital records. NO informed consent was given or recorded in any office notes. My hospital file includes a Hospital chart for an unknown 8 year old boy. The Hospital can't identify who changed OR records from Minor to Major surgery, Minor shows a checkmark now scratched in ink showing Major. Documents indicate a laparoscopy was done - I have the scar for a laparotomy. Pathology received a portion of my left ovary the day after surgery (Doctor Gysler & Credit Valley Hospital deny removing any part of my left ovary). The suspicious specimen removed from my right ovary still can't be located.

Although I was NOT informed of any major surgery taking place (before or after the procedure) No instructions for major surgery appear on discharge papers - documents show the Operating Room was booked for one hour minor surgery - The College of Physicians rendered I should have been aware Dr. Gysler was going to perform major surgery often resulting in impaired fertility. I reminded the College of a legal transcript where under oath Dr. Gysler admitted he was fully aware I wanted nothing done that would jeopardize my fertility. The College responded such documents are forbidden in their investigations. Without questioning anyone present during my surgery the College concluded I received the Standard Medical Care in Ontario.

Regulations at the College prevent them from addressing why two sets of facts are permitted - one for the courts - the other for The College of Physicians. Investigation documents from the The College of Physicians are forbidden in a civil courtroom/documents used in a civil procedure may "NOT" be viewed by the College.

Without Medical evidence the Health Professions Board of Ontario feels the suspicious specimen removed from my right ovary although lost must be negative for cancer since the biopsy on the left ovary returned negative - refusing to acknowledge Both Dr. Gysler & Credit Valley Hospital deny a biopsy was done on either ovary. The Health Professions Board denied my request to have my case returned back to to the College.

Tony Clement the Minister of Health addressed the issue of the Standard Medical Care in Ontario; saying it is determined by the College of Physicians on a case by case basis with no guidelines. Doctor's governing Doctor's without guidelines!

Credit Valley Hospital recently changed their story now claiming Dr. Gysler burnt the specimen off the right ovary hence there was nothing to send to pathology. Dr. Gysler still insists he removed & sent specimens from the right to pathology.

Credit Valley Hospital started an investigation several years to determine how so many things violating Hospital Policy show up in my file I still await the answers. The fact I was never told the suspicious specimen was removed, lost, or treated for such has been totally ignored. Dr. Gysler now speaks of the possibility that my ovaries infarcted directly after surgery although he did not treat me for such. A letter from my Endocrinologist states had my right ovary not been touched during surgery I would have ovarian function today.

Credit Valley Hospital has since promoted Dr. Gysler to Chief of Gynegology. Both refusing to take any responsibility for the above. I'm left not knowing if the lost suspicious specimen was cancer?
An Error Becomes A mistake When You Fail To Correct It. Dr. Gysler

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